On the first anniversary of Putin’s war, the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association has appealed to the global music community for solidarity with the people of Ukraine and with all the victims of violent conflicts around the world. ‘NEVER AGAIN’ has launched its new initiative, ‘Music Against War’.

The Association has unveiled the emblem of the anti-war campaign, authored by Witold Popiel, a graduate of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts and inspired by the logo of  ‘NEVER AGAIN’s long-term campaign ‘Music Against Racism’.

The emblem is available in the blue and yellow colours of Ukraine as well as in black and white. ‘NEVER AGAIN’ encourages musicians, bands, promoters and fans of all types of music to use the symbol freely.

– ‘At the moment when we enjoy our favourite music during a gig or at home, innocent people are dying. We must not ignore it, let’s show solidarity with Ukraine and with all the refugees from war zones’ – call the activists of ‘NEVER AGAIN’. – ‘The Music Against War symbol can be included on a poster for your show, on a record cover, everybody can share it on social media’.

The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association invites musicians, record labels and promoters who are interested in releasing music tracks or videos as well as organising concerts with the promotional support of ‘Music Against War’ to get in touch via email: .

‘Music Against War’ is a continuation of the ‘Music Against Racism’ campaign initiated by the late Marcin Kornak, the founder of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association. From the age of fifteen, due to an accident, Marcin lived with a physical disability. He was an activist as well as a poet and songwriter who collaborated with independent rock bands. Marcin passed away in 2014 at the age of 46, but his legacy lives on. Over the years, numerous musicians and bands of different genres have supported the ‘Music Against Racism’ campaign.

In 2021, the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association released the historic album ‘One Race – Human Race. Music Against Racism: Part 2’ (previously released in 1998 on CD and cassette), for the first time on vinyl. It features diverse Polish bands as well as internationally renowned anti-racist acts: Chumbawamba and Zion Train. The ‘One Race – Human Race’ record is also available in full on YouTube: .

‘NEVER AGAIN’ is an independent anti-racist organization founded in Warsaw in 1996, which has campaigned against antisemitism, racism and xenophobia, and for peace, intercultural dialogue and human rights both in Poland and internationally.

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The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association published a report on hate speech, antisemitic and anti-Ukrainian conspiracy theories propagated on the far-right Media Narodowe (National Media) YouTube channel, which receives subsidies from the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

The National Media channel has over 250,000 subscribers. It produces an average of 100-150 broadcasts per month, some of them have tens of thousands of views.

The publisher of the National Media is Stowarzyszenie Marsz Niepodleglosci (March of Independence Association), whose leader is Robert Bakiewicz, editor-in-chief of the National Media and the main organizer of the so-called Independence March, the big far-right march that takes place in Warsaw on Polish Independence Day every 11 November. Bakiewicz is a former leader of the fascist group Oboz Narodowo-Radykalny (National-Radical Camp, ONR).

In the years 2021-2022, Bakiewicz’s organizations (Independence March Squads, March of Independence and National Guard) received almost 5 million Polish zloty (1 million US dollars) from public funds, including over 198 thousand Polish zloty directly for the National Media.

– ‘Many minorities are regularly attacked on the National Media channel, including Jews, Muslims, refugees from Ukraine, and LGBT people,’ says Dr. Anna Tatar from the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association, co-author of the report. – ‘Such offensive contents clearly breach YouTube community standards and we expect YouTube to take action’ – said Jacek Dziegielewski, a researcher for ‘NEVER AGAIN’ who participated in the report’s preparation.

Since the first days of the Russian invasion, the National Media broadcasts have presented refugees from Ukraine as a threat (including ‘biological’ threat) to the Polish society, denied the Ukrainians’ right to preserve their own national identity (demanding that they ‘polonize’ themselves), and questioned the Russian war crimes committed in Ukraine. The head of the National Media, Robert Bakiewicz, already in 2021 warned against ‘Ukrainian immigration’, which in his view would lead to an ‘ethnic replacement’ in Poland.

In the report, the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association also recorded numerous examples of antisemitic content disseminated by the National Media. Among them there were medieval accusations of blood libel (accusing Jews of murdering Christian children for ritual purposes) as well as claims that the Jews were behind the current war in Ukraine, falsified the history of the Holocaust for financial purposes, were guilty themselves of creating antisemitism, and finally that they wanted to appropriate Poland in order to build their own state under the name ‘Polin’ (Polin means Poland in Hebrew).

Here are examples of comments made on the National Media channel, which were noted in the report of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association:

– Radoslaw Patlewicz (the author of the book ‘Ritual murder in Rzeszow? A historical investigation’): ‘There is hard evidence that Jews used the blood of humans and animals primarily for medical purposes, as well as for ritual purposes. It is, of course, the paschal matzah and the so-called wine ritual accompanying the Seder dinner’ (18.01.2022),

– Piotr Strzembosz (the Faith and Action Association) on refugees from Ukraine: ‘After all, 500,000 people from a country torn by war, this could be the source of not only the COVID virus, but a number of other very dangerous things. If there is a state of war, people may have difficulty maintaining hygiene, they can transmit various parasites, here let’s not be afraid of that word’ (2.03.2022),

– Brunon Rozycki (a regular host on the National Media channel): ‘The depopulation of eastern Ukraine is favourable for Putin, for the Jews and perhaps the West’ (22.03.2022, within a week, this broadcast gained over 100,000 views on YouTube),

– Radosław Patlewicz: ‘The Jews almost expressly demand a de facto liquidation of Christianity, so what attitude should Christians feel toward the Jews […]? It can be said that the Jews are in some ways looking for trouble coming to them, that somebody could harm them’ (25.04.2022),

– Jan Bodakowski (a regular host on the National Media channel, a participant of extreme right-wing demonstrations for many years, and a candidate of the far right Confederation party in the 2019 parliamentary elections; he was not elected): about the symbol of the Russian invasion, the letter Z: ‘[this letter] does not appear in the Russian alphabet […] but it is very similar to a letter that in Hebrew and in Kabbalah means war. And it would also suit the theory that the Kabbalistic symbol of the war was visible on Russian tanks, the more so knowing Vladimir Putin’s very close relations with Jewish communities’ (10.07.2022),

– Robert Bakiewicz (editor-in-chief of the National Media channel): ‘Lies about Jedwabne [an anti-Jewish pogrom committed by Poles in 1941 – editor’s note] have to be straightened out. I am fully convinced that on the basis of the evidence that we already have today, it can be clearly stated that the murder was not committed by the Poles. […] What the Jewish community or Israel says about this issue confirms our belief that it is simply acting for the benefit of currently building the myth of this criminal behaviour of Poles, but also developing this entire religion of the Holocaust’ (8.07.2022),

– Tadeusz Matuszyk (in the 1980s an activist of the so-called ‘true Poles’ faction in the Solidarity movement): ‘For over a thousand years, the majority of Jews have been, are and will be mortal enemies of the Polish nation and state’ (13.10.2022).


‘Report on hate speech on the National Media (Media Narodowe) YouTube channel in the years 2021-2023’ (full version of the report – PDF)

UPDATE: After the publication of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association’s report, the YouTube channel Media Narodowe was removed from the platform.

The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association is an independent anti-racist organization founded in Warsaw in 1996. It has campaigned against antisemitism and xenophobia, for peace, intercultural dialogue and human rights both in Poland and internationally. It has actively participated in international civil society networks, including the Global Alliance Against Digital Hate and Extremism (GAADHE) and the International Network Against Cyber Hate (INACH). It takes part in international projects to counter hate speech, Get The Trolls Out and SafeNet.

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Members of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association participated in a series of events focusing on genocide and human rights in the region of South- and Southeast Asia. They presented the results of its major project ‘Identifying and Countering Holocaust Distortion: Lessons for and from Southeast Asia’ conducted in cooperation with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).

The meetings were organized around the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime (9 December) and the Human Rights Day (10 December). They took place in Brussels with the participation of numerous representatives of several Asian countries and diaspora communities as well as their friends and allies.

On 8 December, delegates of ‘NEVER AGAIN’ addressed a rally organized by the International Forum for Secular Bangladesh in front of the European Commission headquarters calling for the international recognition of the 1971 Bangladesh Genocide. The rally was followed by a conference on ‘Recognizing Bangladesh Genocide of 1971 and resisting ongoing Rohingya Genocide in Myanmar, Afghanistan and other parts of the world’ hosted by the Ahmadiya mosque in Brussels and chaired by Shahriar Kabir, a renowned Bangladeshi film-maker, writer and social justice advocate. On the following day, ‘NEVER AGAIN’ members spoke at a press event held at the Brussels Press Club and chaired by executive director of the South Asia Democratic Forum Paulo Casaca.

On 12 December, the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association representatives participated in meetings by the European Parliament, highlighting the human rights problems in the countries of Southeast Asia as well as Afghanistan and Iran.

The project ‘Identifying and Countering Holocaust Distortion: Lessons for and from Southeast Asia’ has been conducted by ‘NEVER AGAIN’ since 2020. It deals with various forms of genocide distortion and denial spread in the region of Southeast Asia. The project draws on the regional experiences of the Second World War and further instances of genocide in Cambodia, Myanmar, and Thailand to inspire critical memory discourses and develop capacities to counter Holocaust and genocide distortion in the region. The project’s participants included opinion-makers, faith leaders (such as Buddhist monks as well as Jewish and Muslim figures), academics, and the staff of museums and memorial sites, among others. The project’s activities have included research, seminars, publications, and awareness raising. The initiative has been developed in close cooperation with local supporters and partners of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association in the countries of Southeast Asia.

The project’s new digital exhibition is accessible in four languages (English, Khmer, Thai, Burmese) on the website The multi-lingual platform is the first of its kind, prepared specially for the Southeast Asian audiences. It also features recommendations on countering genocide denial and other educational materials such as the full proceedings of the historic symposium on genocide denial held in November 2021 in cooperation with the IHRA, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Cambodia, the BALAC Program at Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), and the American University of Phnom Penh (Cambodia):

The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association is an independent anti-racist organization founded in Warsaw in 1996. It has campaigned against antisemitism and xenophobia, for peace, intercultural dialogue and human rights both in Poland and internationally, with a special focus on Southeast Asia. It has actively participated in international civil society networks, including the Alliance Against Genocide and the European Network for Countering Antisemitism through Education.

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During the Eradicate Hate Global Summit the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association called upon the social media platforms to stop enabling the largest international far-right hate fest.

Co-founder of ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Rafal Pankowski participated in the Eradicate Hate Global Summit held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA) on 19-21 September 2022. The Summit is the most comprehensive anti-hate conference in the world. It unites experts and leaders from around the globe, who are dedicated to eradicating all forms of hate-fuelled violence. The mission of the Summit is to identify and implement effective solutions for collective change.

The speakers at the 2022 Global Summit included the United Nations Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide Alice Wairimu Nderitu and Deborah Lipstadt, the US Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism.

Rafal Pankowski paid tribute to the victims of the war against Ukraine and said that Putin’s war ‘once again shows what the politics of hate and authoritarianism leads to: mass violence and human suffering’.

In his presentation Pankowski described the growth of the annual far-right march on the Polish Independence Day (11 November) in Warsaw as an example of the growing internationalisation of far-right extremism. The march is organized by Polish extreme-right groups with the participation of numerous racist extremist organizations and activists from across Europe and North America. It has regularly gathered more than 100,000 participants and it has often turned violent. Pankowski referred to the march as a ‘super-spreader’ of hate and ‘Charlottesville on steroids’. In November 2021, the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association and the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism appealed to Facebook and Twitter to stop the promotion and fundraising for the march.

The Eradicate Hate Global Summit grew from the deadliest antisemitic attack in US history. On 27 October 2018, a heavily armed gunman, who earlier had posted online antisemitic and anti-refugee messages, massacred worshippers from three different congregations at the Tree of Life Synagogue. In the aftermath of the attack, the people of Pittsburgh responded in ways that have been described as distinctive in the history of antisemitism. They not only visibly stood in solidarity with the Jewish people, but also offered comfort and aid, and spoke up against hate.

The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association is an independent anti-racist organization founded in Warsaw in 1996. It is a member of the International Network Against Cyber Hate (INACH) and the Global Alliance Against Digital Hate and Extremism (GADHE). The Association also takes part in international projects to counteract online hate speech such as ‘Get The Trolls Out’.


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During the biggest open-air free music festival in Europe, Pol’and’Rock (4-6 August), also known as Polish Woodstock, the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association organized a football tournament promoting the message of ‘Let’s Kick Racism out of the Stadiums’, involving teenage players who are refugees from Ukraine. Together with the other participants, they manifested their protest against the war.

On another festival day a meeting was held with the rock band Strachy na Lachy (Empty Threats) at the information stand of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association. For many years, this group has been involved in the activities of the ‘Music Against Racism’ campaign run by ‘NEVER AGAIN’. Krzysztof ‘Grabaz’ Grabowski, the leader of Strachy Na Lachy, explained his band’s involvement in support of the refugees from Ukraine after the outbreak of the war. Some of the musician’s family came from Volhynia (a previously Polish territory, now a region in Ukraine). In press interviews, ‘Grabaz’ emphasised the importance of having neighbours of different nationalities and how it can lead to outbursts of creativity: ‘If in some place different cultures coexist peacefully with each other, then they will undoubtedly develop that place and its culture’.

– ‘During our meeting with Strachy Na Lachy, we talked primarily about war and peace, about respect and prejudice in everyday life, about hate speech and how it can lead to violence. We asked the band to explain how music can create a better world,’ said Joanna Naranowicz, a representative of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association and the lead singer of the punk band Qulturka.

Strachy na Lachy was established in 2001 by Krzysztof ‘Grabaż’ Grabowski and Andrzej ‘Kozak’ Kozakiewicz who also play in a punk-rock group Pidzama Porno. It is one of the most famous rock bands in Poland. In 2014 the band’s leader, ‘Grabaz’, was awarded with the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta – one of the highest honours in Poland, for his ‘outstanding merits in creative work and artistic activity’.

During the Pol’and’Rock Festival, the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association had the honour of hosting many other bands of different music styles involved in the ‘Music Against Racism’ campaign.

The ‘Lets’ Kick Racism out of the Stadiums’ tournament has been organised for over twenty years by the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association at the Polish Woodstock/Pol’and’Rock Festival. In 2022 it was co-organized with the grass-roots football team FC GAN Pila and supported by FARE network and the Adidas Football Collective through its grassroots support programme. Tournament’s male and female participants jointly express their support for the ideas that guide the entire festival: peace, friendship and respect for diversity. This year, the message resonated particularly strongly with young players from Ukraine who had had to flee the cruelty of war.

During the Pol’and’Rock Festival, the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association also organised educational workshops on volunteering and supporting refugees. At NEVER AGAIN’s information stand, there were also practical worskhops on designing anti-racist DIY sew-on patches and t-shirts with the use of stencils and paints. The resulting items of clothing with the message ‘Music Against Racism’ were presented to the participants!

The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association is an independent anti-racist organization founded in Warsaw in 1996. It has campaigned against antisemitism, racism and xenophobia, and for peace, intercultural dialogue and human rights both in Poland and internationally. ‘NEVER AGAIN’ has conducted the first anti-racism campaign in Eastern European football, ‘Let’s Kick Racism Out of the Stadiums’ and is a founding member of the FARE network.

The campaign ‘Let’s Kick Racism out of Stadiums’ was a brainchild of the late Marcin Kornak (1968-2014), who chaired ‘NEVER AGAIN’ for many years. ‘Let’s Kick Racism out of Stadiums’ has run since the mid-1990s with the aim to combat racism and discrimination at stadiums. One of its main components is monitoring and reporting of hate crimes and hate speech cases.

The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association also encourages musicians, record labels and promoters who are interested in releasing music tracks or videos as well as organising concerts (including online) with the promotional support of the ‘Music Against Racism’ campaign to get in touch via email: .

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The new album entitled ‘Zaraza’ (Plague) by the band Human Rights was released in partnership with the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association’s campaign Music Against Racism. The record was launched during the ‘Peace for the World’ concert on April 29 in Warsaw. Human Rights were joined on stage by M-kwa, one of the most renowned bands of the Polish punk rock scene.

According to the members of Human Rights, ‘The album <Plague> was recorded as a protest against political depravity and the epidemic of intolerance.’ The songs include reflections on ‘what attitudes people adopt in the face of a pandemic, war, dictatorship, lack of mutual respect and tolerance, aggression. It is not without reason that the word <plague> appears in the lyrics of every track.’

Human Rights is a hardcore punk band from Warsaw. For years, it has been supporting the Music Against Racism campaign of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association. The band describes its work as ‘energetic music and positive and direct lyrics coming out of irritation at intrusive attempts to manipulate our lives only because of differences in sex, views, religion or nationality. So there is fire and fury, there is also some melody and catchy choruses about freedom, respect, compassion, tolerance.’

M-kwa (previously known as Moskwa) is one of the most original and charismatic bands of the Polish punk rock scene. The band was established in 1983 in Lodz and famously played at the festival in Jarocin (the largest festival of alternative music in Eastern Europe in the 1980s). The band’s performance at Jarocin was immortalized in the BBC documentary ‘My Blood, Your Blood’. For years, the band has been supporting the Music Against Racism campaign of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association.

From the first days of Russian military aggression against Ukraine, numerous bands have played concerts with an anti-war message supported by the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association. During these events, actions to provide aid for Ukrainian refugees have also been organized. For instance, on 2 April, the ‘Art Will Help – Benefit for Krzemieniec in Ukraine’ concert took place in Warsaw, with the participation of the bands Human Rights, HairyCane and Dlonie. The legendary Polish punk rock band Dezerter, which has been cooperating with the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association for many years, has also played anti-war concerts in Mogilno, Ciechanow, Poznan, Olsztyn, Bialystok and other locations.

In turn, on 7 May in Poznan, under the motto of Music Against Racism, the concert ‘Punks are Playing for Ukraine’ will take place. The following bands will be spreading a message of peace: Uliczny Opryszek, NoG, Amunicja, and Izerbejdzan.

The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association encourages musicians, record labels and promoters from all over the world who are interested in releasing music tracks or videos as well as organizing concerts with the promotional support of the Music Against Racism campaign to get in touch via email: .

In 2021 the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association released the historic record ‘One Race – Human Race. Music Against Racism: Part 2’ on vinyl. This album was dedicated to the memory of Marcin Kornak (1968-2014), a human rights activist, poet and the founder of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association. The full album ‘One Race – Human Race. Music Against Racism’ is also available on YouTube:

The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association is an independent organization founded in Warsaw in 1996. It has campaigned against fascism, racism and xenophobia, for peace, intercultural dialogue and human rights both in Poland and internationally.

Human Rights ‘Plague’ (from the album ‘Plague’ in partnership with the Music Against Racism campaign):

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Statement from the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association and Global Project Against Hate and Extremism

28 February 2022

As the world watches Putin’s brutal and deadly invasion of Ukraine in horror, tech companies must decide immediately which side of history they are on. They can fulfill their responsibilities as global corporations, on which billions depend, and do all they can to avoid more death and destruction, or they can remain complicit in an illegal act of war that has already led to many deaths, hundreds of thousands of refugees, and massive destruction of cities and towns.

The choice should be an easy one. Tech companies must deplatform Russian propaganda outlets including RT and Sputnik News and key political figures who are spreading hate and disinformation, helping to fuel this war. And search engines need to derank unauthoritative content and disinformation in favor of legitimate sources.

The Putin war propaganda channels are still very prominent on the major social media platforms. Some obvious examples include the Kremlin’s Twitter account, RT and Sputnik’s YouTube channels, and RT and others’ Facebook accounts, among many, many others. This disinformation leads to harms and contributes to the threats against democracies everywhere. These channels and accounts must be removed immediately.

So far, the tech companies have failed to act in any meaningful way. Even as the European Union has banned some Russian propaganda outlets, people across the U.S. and other parts of the globe are being subjected to lies. And dangerous international fascist and white supremacist groups continue to find inspiration in Putin’s propaganda.

Some platforms, including YouTube and Facebook, have announced they will demonetize the Kremlin-funded propaganda machine, RT, but that doesn’t go nearly far enough. We know from experience, and indeed minimum research today, that YouTube is incapable of adequately demonetizing accounts and that Facebook, Twitter, Google, and YouTube are incapable of appropriately labeling accounts with violative content and disinformation. A piecemeal approach by YouTube, Facebook, Google, TikTok, and Twitter is unacceptable. Any channel or account spewing disinformation must be deplatformed altogether, especially those of the politically powerful who would use the loopholes afforded them by companies with a misguided sense of ‘newsworthiness.’

The nearly meaningless steps tech companies have taken since the Russian invasion of Ukraine aren’t good enough, and are a continuation of their failures to protect democracies, users, and the lives that have been lost while they profit. Issuing statements about minimum changes for press coverage is insulting to the world. We’ve seen how discrimination, hate, violence, and even genocide have occurred while big tech fiddles.

This time, these companies must finally step up and do the right thing, take a lesson from the people of Ukraine and all those supporting them, including the Russian peace movement, and put humanity before profit and power.

Launched in 2020, the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism (GPAHE) was founded by Heidi Beirich and Wendy Via to address the gap in efforts to stop transnational hate and far-right extremism movements, particularly US-based activity that is exported to other countries and across borders.

The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association is an independent anti-racist organization founded in Warsaw in 1996. Since 2005, it has led the ‘Racism-Delete’ campaign, which has the objective of removing antisemitic and racist content from the internet. The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association is a member of the International Network Against Cyber Hate (INACH). The Association also takes part in projects to counteract online hate speech such as ‘Get the Trolls Out’ and ‘Open Code for Hate-Free Communication’.

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The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association took part in the ‘Rally of Decency’, an event commemorating the 100th anniversary of Wladyslaw Bartoszewski’s birth on 19 February 2022.

Wladyslaw Bartoszewski (born on 19 February 1922 – died on 24 April  2015) was a journalist, historian, writer and politician. From September 1940 to April 1941 he was a prisoner of KL Auschwitz. In the years 1942-1944 he co-organized the secret Council to Aid Jews (‘Zegota’) and participated in the Warsaw Uprising. After the war, he worked with the Main Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland. He became the chairman of the International Auschwitz Council. Among other awards, Bartoszewski received the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for his work for reconciliation between Poles, Germans and Jews. He was also awarded the ‘Righteous Among the Nations’ medal. In the last years of his life he was an outspoken critic of the re-emergence of far-right nationalism.

During the rally, invited representatives of civil society commented on seven messages that Wladyslaw Bartoszewski espoused: ‘Be open’, ‘Do not get carried away by hatred’, ‘Remember’, ‘Be true to yourself and your own convictions’, ‘Get involved for the benefit of others’ and ‘Search for ways of understanding’. On behalf of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association Dr. Anna Tatar spoke about the value of ‘not being indifferent’: ‘Throughout his life, Wladyslaw Bartoszewski opposed hatred and built a dialogue between nations and people, even when it seemed impossible. May we be able to imitate him in this regard.’

The other speakers included former Ombudsman Adam Bodnar, a long-time supporter of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association. The jazz singer Aga Zaryan performed a song with lyrics by Krystyna Krahelska, a young poet who died during the Warsaw Uprising. Actor and writer Joanna Szczepkowska recited a Holocaust-themed poem by Czeslaw Milosz entitled ‘Campo di Fiori’.

The event took place on Bartoszewski Square by Biala Street in Warsaw. During the Nazi occupation, the street was adjacent to the Warsaw Ghetto. It led to the court building in Leszno (today Aleja Solidarnosci), where Jews could secretly exit to the ‘Aryan’ side with the help of organizations such as Zegota, in which Wladyslaw Bartoszewski was active.

In the square named after him, a monument is going to be erected of the young Bartoszewski on a bicycle. The following inscription will be placed next to the monument: ‘Young Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, after leaving the concentration camp, became involved in helping persecuted Jews, and working for Poland. He was also able to combat the hatred towards the German nation within himself. It shaped him for life.

By a resolution of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, 2022 was proclaimed the Year of Wladyslaw Bartoszewski. The celebrations, organized by the Wladyslaw Bartoszewski Square Association, began on 19th February.

The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association is an independent anti-racist organization founded in Warsaw in 1996. It has campaigned against antisemitism, racism and xenophobia, for peace, intercultural dialogue and human rights both in Poland and internationally. It is a member of the Alliance Against Genocide made up of over 65 organizations from around the world.

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Fifty-four renowned intellectuals, musicians, scholars, and activists from 24 countries gathered in a 6-hours live online public event entitled ‘A Scream from Global Civil Society: India Genocide Warning!’

The event took place on 4 February 2022, it was organized by Forces of Renewal for Southeast Asia (FORSEA) in cooperation with Genocide Watch (US), Documentation Centre Cambodia, International State Crime Initiative (UK), Noor Cultural Centre (Canada), Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC), Hindus for Human Rights (US), and the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association (Poland).

The meeting was chaired by Tapan Kumar Bose, an Indian filmmaker, human rights and peace activist, author and co-founder of, among others, the Pakistan-India Peoples’ Forum for Peace and Democracy. It was hosted by Maung Zarni, an exiled Burmese activist and intellectual, fellow of the Documentation Centre Cambodia and coordinator of the Free Rohingya Coalition.

The programme featured activists and scholars from across the world, including Noam Chomsky (a renowned linguist and social critic), Irwin Cotler (international chair of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights), Dina Siddiqi (anthropologist and advisory council member of the South Asian feminist network, Sangat), and Gregory Stanton (founding president and chairman of Genocide Watch).

Co-founder of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association Rafal Pankowski invoked the symbolic message of peace from Mahatma Gandhi for the readers of a Polish cultural weekly, published in Warsaw on the brink of the outbreak of World War II in September 1939. Pankowski also said in his speech: – ‘Today the motto Never Again relates to commemoration of the victims of genocide and totalitarianism, the fight against genocide denial and distortion as well as active solidarity with oppressed minorities everywhere, solidarity with the struggles for dignity, equality and respect.’

Numerous speakers noted with alarm the reports of the recent escalation of anti-Muslim and anti-minority rhetoric and violence as well as calls for genocide in India. Independent and Public-Spirited Media Foundation’s reported: ‘Hindu extremists have organised 12 events over 24 months in four states calling for genocide of Muslims, attacks on Christians and insurrection against the government. As more events are planned, we track how their events are unimpeded, main organisers are free and police see no conspiracy or incitement, in contrast to the quick arrests and action against dissidents, peace activists and journalists.’

Harsh Mander, Director of Centre for Equality Studies in New Delhi and founder of Karwan-e-Mohabbat (‘Caravan of Love’) said: – ‘India is hurtling into a frighteningly dark place of hate, fear and violence for its minorities. It has badly lost its way from the inclusive and egalitarian country that was promised in its freedom struggle and constitution. The present climate of hate for minorities is engineered by the ruling leadership, that normalises, legitimises and valorises hatred and bigotry. There are many warning signs that echo the 1930s in Germany. If we don’t learn from history, we will be complicit in an immense crime against humanity.’

The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association is an independent anti-racist organization founded in Warsaw in 1996. It has campaigned against antisemitism, racism and xenophobia, for peace, intercultural dialogue and human rights both in Poland and internationally. It is a member of the Alliance Against Genocide made up of over 65 organizations from around the world.

More information:

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More than 1,200 people from across the world registered for participation in the symposium ‘Identifying and Countering Holocaust Distortion: Lessons for and from Southeast Asia’ on 23-26 November 2021.

The online event was organized by the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association in cooperation with the Balac Program of the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok (Thailand) and the American University of Phnom Penh (Cambodia), with the support of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) and Heinrich Boell Stiftung Cambodia. The participants came from all the world’s continents with a majority coming from the region of Southeast Asia.

Over thirty presenters, panelists and moderators from Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Germany, Israel, Myanmar, Poland, Russia, Spain, Thailand, UK and US contributed to the debates during the symposium’s four days. Keynote speakers included Professors Yehuda Bauer (Honorary Chairman of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance), Teun Van Dijk (Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona) and Ben Kiernan (Founder of the Genocide Studies Program at Yale University).

Presentations linking the memory of the Holocaust with the history (and the present) of Southeast Asia were delivered by, among others, Dr Verita Sriratana (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok and Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Lund University) and Dr Maung Zarni (Documentation Center Cambodia and Free Rohingya Coalition). Sammy Samuels, the leader of the Jewish community in Myanmar (Burma) shared the story of Myanmar’s Jews and his work to commemorate the Holocaust and promote the country’s diversity.

A session on counteracting genocide denial in the frame of interfaith dialogue was conducted by the Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich and Venerable Lablu Barua (Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Ayutthaya, Thailand).

– ‘Thank you to the NEVER AGAIN Association for really making these cross-cultural dialogues possible’ – said Dr Theresa Delangis, the Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies and Professor in Global Affairs and Humanities at the American University of Phnom Penh.

The symposium was preceded by a series of workshops and meetings for civil society groups, museums and memorial sites’ staff, academics, and faith leaders. – ‘We have a broad network of colleagues and friends, experts and civil society activists in Southeast Asia and beyond’ – said Professor Rafal Pankowski of the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association in his final remarks during the symposium. – ‘We are going to continue our communication and cooperation.’

The recordings of all of the sessions will be available on the ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association’s website and social media profiles. Future activities in the frame of the project ‘Identifying and Countering Holocaust Distortion: Lessons for and from Southeast Asia’ include publications as well as a digital exhibition on the subject.

The ‘NEVER AGAIN’ Association is an independent anti-racist organization founded in Warsaw in 1996. It has campaigned against antisemitism, racism and xenophobia, for peace, intercultural dialogue and human rights both in Poland and internationally.

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